General Information
Area: 30.5 km2 Coastline length: 74 km Population: 1,322
Island capital and its population: Fournoi (1,033) Administrative structure: Region of North Aegean, Prefecture of Samos, Province of Ikaria, Municipality of Fournoi
Archaeological sites and monuments: Part of a Cyclopean Wall, acropolis and a sanctuary at the hill of Agios Georgios, Relics of an ancient temple at Kamari, Relics of an ancient temple at Agia Triada Chrysomilias
Natural monuments: The island has been included in the European network "NATURA 2000" and has been declared Area of Natural Beauty
Cultural clubs: Fournoi Youth Association
Religious feasts: Dormition of the Virgin Mary at Fournoi (August 15th), On the eve of the Decapitation of St John at the Monastery of St John (August 28th), Easter